7 weeks of Cultural Capital
In the first week of summer:
Watch a TED talk that interests you
Read BBC News or a newspaper – identify 10 intellectual words, learn them and their definitions.
In the second week of summer:
Watch an old black and white film and consider the difference to modern day productions.
Create a mind map for key subject terminology.
In the 3rd week of summer:
Visit an online gallery and talk about art or, visit a real one and write a blog about your favourite artwork.
Read a classic novel
In the fourth week of summer:
Talk to an older member of your family and compare their childhood to your own in 50 words.
Take a photograph and write a description.
In the fifth week of summer:
Start making a scrap book of things you enjoy (real book version or online)
Watch a TED talk about something that you know nothing about
In the sixth week of summer:
Try a food you have never tried before and describe its taste.
Take an online tour of the Louvre
In the last week of summer:
Create mind maps for all you studied in your previous school year – how much can you remember?
Listen to a piece of classical music and note down how it makes you feel.