Year 7

Autumn Term

  1. Warrington over time and historical skills
  2. The Norman Conquest

Spring Term

  1. Religion in medieval England
  2. The problems of Medieval monarchs

Summer Term

  1. The reformation
  2. The American West

Enrichment/Wider Reading

History Film Club takes place in P01 every Tuesday

Key texts

Exploring History Pearson textbooks

Pupils will be assigned wider reading.

Visit to Conwy Castle (Medieval monarchs)

Year 8

Autumn Term

  1. The English Civil War
  2. Changing ideas 1660-1789

Spring Term

  1. The Industrial Revolution
  2. Getting the vote

Summer Term

  1. The First World War
  2. British migration ‘thematic study’

Enrichment/Wider Reading

History Film Club takes place in P01 every Tuesday

Key texts

Exploring History Pearson textbooks

Pupils will be assigned wider reading.

Visit to Quarry Bank Mill (Industrial revolution)

Year 9

Autumn Term

  1. Conflict after 1945
  2. The Middle East

Spring Term

3. Social change over time
4. British migration ‘thematic study’

Summer Term

GCSE: Crime & Punishment unit 1: Medieval England

Start unit 2: Early modern England

Enrichment/Wider Reading

History Film Club takes place in P01 every Tuesday

Key texts

Exploring History Pearson textbooks

Pupils will be assigned wider reading.

Year 10

Autumn Term

  1. The American West, c1835-c1895 (20%).
  2. Paper 1 mock. 50% of paper 2 mock.

Spring Term

  1.  Modern Depth Study’ of Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39 key topics 1 and 2.

Summer Term

4. Modern Depth Study’ of Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39 key topics 3 and 4.
5. Paper 2 Mock.

Enrichment/Wider Reading

Key textbooks

Edexcel Pearson GCSE History revision guide and workbooks

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History target 5 and target 9 student books

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History model answer workbooks

Useful websites 

BBC Bitesize – content website with revision materials and quizzes

Seneca Learning – an online revision platform that students sign up for

GCSE pupils have the opportunity to visit the Royal Armouries (Norman Conquest); and London.

Year 11

Autumn Term

  1. Thematic study of Crime and Punishment
  2. The American West revision

Spring Term

3. Anglo-Saxon and Norman England revision

4. Weimar and Nazi Germany  revision

Summer Term

5. Revision and exam preparation

Enrichment/Wider Reading

Key textbooks

Edexcel Pearson GCSE History revision guide and workbooks

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History target 5 and target 9 student books

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History model answer workbooks

Useful websites

BBC bitesize – content website with revision material and quizzes

Seneca Learning – an online revision platform that students sign up for

GCSE pupils may have the opportunity to watch a live production, Hitler on Trial


Assessment of Learning

Years 7, 8 & 9

Pupils complete assessments that focus on the KS3 National curriculum and prepare pupils for the Edexcel GCSE assessment style of questioning.

Years 10 & 11

Pupils complete GCSE style assessments at the conclusion of each key topic. They also complete mock exams in all years.

Information on the exam board can be found at: