Dear Parents and Carers,
I’m writing to confirm the arrangements for the last day of term.
School will finish at 12.00pm on Friday 5th April.
Pupils will be allowed to wear their own clothes on the last day of the half term in return for a donation of £1.
Some staff and pupils’ families have been affected by cancer and therefore we are currently supporting the new Clatterbridge Cancer Centre by raising funds for the ‘The Big Lego Brick Hospital’.
Each £1 buys a brick for a scaled model structure. The new cancer hospital is due for completion in the heart of Liverpool by Spring 2020.
The link for the LEGO build is below:
Half of the money raised will also go towards the pensioners party that the pupil leadership team are organising for the local community.
Whilst we are keen to support these charities, I must emphasise that pupils need to bring their equipment as we expect them to remain fully engaged in their learning until the end of the school day. The footwear and clothes that pupils wear must also be suitable and appropriate for school. If pupils have PE, they will also be required to still bring their PE kit.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents and carers for all their support during the year so far.
Kind regards
Claire Lomax
Assistant Principal